Prism is an independent and nonprofit newsroom led by journalists of color. We report from the ground up and at the intersections of injustice. Our journalists are developing a full and accurate record of what’s happening in our communities and systems—developed alongside people on the frontlines of social change, and at the highest standards of journalistic ethics and transparency as detailed on this page. Our Code of Ethics borrows liberally from the examples set by other respected nonprofit news organizations, among them The Texas Tribune, NPR, ProPublica, The Society of Professional Journalists, and the Center for Investigative Reporting.

Accuracy and Fairness

Prism strives to produce truthful, nuanced, complete, and fair reporting. Accuracy is paramount, and reporters take responsibility for the accuracy of their work by verifying information before publishing. Context matters, and reporters take care not to misrepresent or oversimplify within a story or when promoting or summarizing it. When we make a mistake, we will immediately address the error within the story text and issue a correction.

We value fair and unbiased reporting, and as such Prism’s news coverage is fact- and evidence-based, with the aim of helping our readers understand the world better by presenting them with the truth in a clear and compelling way. Because our first obligation is to the truth, if the balance of evidence in a particular controversy or debate weighs heavily on one side, or if sources seek to provide misleading information, we acknowledge that in our reporting. False equivalencies have no place in journalism, and you won’t find them at Prism.

Sourcing and Anonymity

The sources reporters choose should be informed, reliable, and reflective of the impact of the issues we’re reporting on. Source selection is a matter of accuracy, and reporters must choose sources with the goal of adding complexity and nuance to their reporting rather than flattening it. Prism reporters don’t merely reach out to grab a quick quote—the aim is to actually listen to people’s stories and work forward from there. Where we publish reporting that includes criticism or allegations of wrongdoing, reporters will make every effort to contact the subjects and sources of that coverage and offer them an opportunity to comment. The way reporters interact with sources and the information they provide is a matter of integrity that Prism takes seriously. When speaking with sources, Prism reporters prioritize transparency and consent. Our reporters will always identify themselves as journalists, and will never misrepresent themselves or mislead sources to get an interview or a story. Particularly when interviewing sources who have never spoken to a journalist before, or discussing sensitive subjects, our reporters explain the concepts of on- and off-the-record and remind people they can decline to answer a question or stop the interview entirely.

Prism values building relationships with our sources, and safety is a core tenet of those relationships. When a source may face danger, retribution, or other harm as a result of being identified in a story, we offer the ability to speak anonymously if they have information that cannot be obtained elsewhere. While named, “on the record” sources offer greater credibility, our reporters regularly speak with people living on the margins of unjust criminal legal systems, including abortion providers and undocumented immigrants, as well as labor organizers and whistleblowers whose testimonies could jeopardize their work and livelihood. We grant anonymity judiciously, taking into account the particulars of each source’s individual situation.

Our newsroom also has an obligation to verify the information that sources share to ensure that our reporting remains fact- and evidence-based. While sources may be anonymized to our readers, their identities have been verified by the reporter, relevant section editor, copy editor, and editorial director, and sources must disclose the reason they require anonymity. Depending on the story, sources may need to verify additional information to relevant Prism editors and reporters, such as their employment, immigration status, or housing. Reporters are required to record interviews with sources, and the copy editor verifies all recordings and checks them against other available information to ensure that quotes and other information are correct. 

Prism strives to be as transparent as possible, so we will always note which sources have requested anonymity and why. This may look different depending on what a source needs. Some sources will only use their first name, whereas others will use pseudonyms due to varying degrees of danger and potential for identification. Different forms of anonymization will always be specified in our stories. 

Editorial Independence 

At Prism, editorial decisions are made by journalists alone. We pursue all stories we deem newsworthy, and no individual, organization, company, or other entity is considered off-limits or given favored treatment.

Prism is financially supported by a diverse group of funding sources, including grants from foundations, donations from the public, and paid sponsorships. While we deeply appreciate those who support Prism’s work, funders who contribute do so with the understanding that we pursue journalism only in service of the truth and the public interest. Editorial decisions are not beholden to funders’ preferences or interests, and their contributions do not entitle them to preferential treatment or relationships with newsroom staff. Funders are also not protected from editorial scrutiny, either in our news or opinion/commentary sections. Where Prism reports on organizations, companies, or individuals who have donated to support our work, we disclose those who have contributed more than $1,000.

Prism reporters have no involvement in developing or maintaining relationships with potential or actual donors. However, top editors at Prism work with other divisions of the organization, including communications, operations, and development, to help support and promote editorial efforts. In conversations with funders, editors’ involvement is confined to discussing our journalistic approach, goals, and impact.

Our editorial independence also extends to sources and contributors. The editorial team takes no part in fundraising activities by nonprofit organizations that we report on, or whose personnel contribute op-eds, personal essays, commentaries, or other content to Prism, and reporters do not shape coverage to assist with such activities.


As a nonprofit, non-partisan media organization, Prism does not contribute, directly or indirectly, to political campaigns or to political parties or groups seeking to raise money for political campaigns or parties.

However, we recognize that journalists are as much members of our society and polity as anyone else and as such, can be significantly impacted by policies enacted at the local, state, and federal levels. Our aim is not to set our newsroom staff apart from the political process or their roles and obligations as citizens and community members. Nevertheless, to maintain our readers’ trust and our editorial independence and integrity, we ask that editorial staff refrain from taking an activist role in partisan political activity, including volunteering for campaigns, signing petitions, participating in marches or rallies, displaying lawn signs, or making political contributions. This policy applies only to political activity specific to a candidate or party. Issue-oriented political activity is permitted and encouraged, along with participation in civic, charitable, religious, public, social, or residential organizations.

Reporters who seek an exception to this policy should notify their editors immediately. Where exceptions are granted, the reporter would be precluded from working on any related story, topic, or project.

Conflicts of Interest

Newsroom staff should not work on stories, projects, or initiatives with which they have a personal connection, vested interest or financial interest. If a conflict exists, reporters should disclose it immediately to an editor.


Prism employs digital advertising to raise awareness about its journalism, gain readership, and amplify its reporting as a resource for communities. As a digital outlet reporting on the frontlines of injustice, we acknowledge the harms and contradictions that are inherent in the digital landscape, and we aim to model our mission and vision by ensuring that our own policies, practices, and operations remain transparent, accountable, and reflective of the values we hold. Prism refrains from publishing advertorial content and masquerading advertisements as editorial content. Prism will continuously outline its intended use of advertising and never bend editorial integrity for a specific promotional angle.

As of Spring 2022, Prism employs Google Ads and Meta Ads (via Facebook). As a non-profit newsroom, Prism qualifies to receive free advertising funding from Google in the form of Ad Grants, accessing up to $10,000 per month in advertising dollars. More information about Ad Grants can be found here. Additionally, Prism runs advertising on Meta.

As mentioned under ‘Editorial Independence,’ the platforms through which Prism advertises – like Google and Meta – are not protected from editorial scrutiny, either in our news or opinion/commentary sections. If you have any concerns or questions about Prism’s advertising practices, please contact